What's this about?

A collage of everyday thoughts and trying to make sense of a sometimes nonsense world.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

So anyway...

I know I promised to be update this blog more and I will in the future. I feel like I kind of am in rut as far as writing. My snark seems gone and my opinions deflated, so anyway, I do have something I want to talk about but I need to formulate my thoughts a bit more before I post anything. In all actuality, I am just posting these few sentences now to remind myself to keep this thing updated! So anyway... that's my thought for the day, make of it what you will.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Thank you & Sorrow

Thank you to all the firemen/women, policemen/women, military personnel and other government agencies that have and continue to protect us all everyday. I neither have your worth, heart or strength to do what you do, so thank you for doing what I cannot.

To all those that lost loved ones in the 9/11 attacks and subsequent wars, I cannot fathom your sorrow. My thoughts and heart are with you on this difficult day.

I can only hope that there will be peace in this world, a little more love, a little less hate, a little more empathy but that may be too much to ask. Much love to everyone reading this today.

Monday, September 5, 2011

No, I didn't forget about you, blog.

I really didn't forget about this blog but either out of general laziness or perhaps, even despair, I have not been on here. Of course, it could just be I haven't been inclined to write either. It is not like I have been terribly busy or anything exciting has happened to me. The most exciting things that happen are usually not the truth. One big change in my life though,is I quit my part-time job at the mortuary. Yes, I quit that place after so long of a time. It was time to go and I feel it was holding me back from other things, like moving forward or maybe that was just an excuse on my part.

Of course, that thought that I wanted to quit had been implanted in my mind for quite some time. Maybe, no I know, what definitely put the plan into place was when I went to New Mexico back in May. I met a random stranger at a bar, I can't recall his name, anyway he was talking about being burned out from his job and was just working part-time while going to school. Maybe I didn't have a true burn out moment but I realized this job was holding me back and I was holding myself back from whatever the future is supposed to be, so I quit. I am little freaked out about budget constraints and the lack of extra money, however it is causing me to think that there are other far more interesting ways to make money and I just have to be creative. Besides, it is just money and now I have the weekends to myself, so there is absolutely no excuse for me not to keep up with this blog. Yes, I will be back soon. I am so done with excuses. Living the life everyday and making the most of whatever it is what I am supposed to be doing. See you soon.