What's this about?

A collage of everyday thoughts and trying to make sense of a sometimes nonsense world.

Monday, January 28, 2013

"Get busy living or get busy dying"

In The Shawshank Redemption,Tim Robbins' (Andy) character says, "Get busy living or get busy dying."


First, if you have never seen this movie, then you must. Second, Happy New Year!

On to my original thought, how many of us are just existing, just going through the motions of life, not really caring about what happens next? We go to work, school, eat dinner, sleep and the next day repeat. We are on autopilot. How can we make our lives different? What are you going to do with your life, besides just exist?

Some people are perfectly content, going day to day but is there something missing? What is it that you have always wanted , just for you, not for anyone else? What would your perfect life be like, if such a thing exists?

Live your life, don't let it become so stagnant that you are not living it. We are not put here just to survive, exist, breathe, eat, sleep. There is so much more than what is right in front of you.

I ask the questions, but it does not mean I have the answers.