What's this about?

A collage of everyday thoughts and trying to make sense of a sometimes nonsense world.

Friday, November 23, 2012

A New Movement

A new movement has arisen, wait for it...my direction is to be changed, it will be changed, there is no stopping me. For years, I have focused on the negative, and used sarcasm/humor as a way to hide, but no more. I am seeing the light or has the light seen me? No longer will I see the negative, the positive must come first. I can no longer be critical of others, this is not a way to live. Life is really what one makes of it and I have to make the choice that I will not ingrained within the misery of others. Maybe you won't understand why I am writing this but I am really writing this as a reminder to myself, that nothing good can come out of negative thoughts.

What brought about this change? Someone said the other day I do not show empathy, yes he is right but it does not mean I do not feel empathy at times. Instead, I hide behind it as if it is a bad thing to be empathetic, to show the human side. The reasons I am this way are rather simple really, I grew up in a anger filled, depressed household and I worked at a mortuary, both taught me I should not show my real feelings, that I had to hide behind them.

No more, as I am out of those situations. I am human. I breathe and live everyday, just going through this life as if nothing matters. I can no longer live like this. Change must come about and it will. Real empathy. Real feelings. Humanity is suffering and I must suffer along with it. I can no longer hide.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day-US

Today is Election Day in the United States. I am really trying to care about this, honestly, but I can't bring myself to care enough. For those that are voting, realize this, there are more than two candidates on the ballot and you don't have to absolutely vote Republican or Democrat. Life is about making better choices and sometimes we are afraid of change, so don't be afraid to go against the norm. The more people that vote, even for "lesser" party candidates, the more choices we may have in the future. Although, it seems that many of these candidates are bought and paid for by corporate America and other prominent sources, the average American can make a difference in his/her own special way. Don't ever think that you don't have another choice, but remember this, many of our ancestors suffered for our right to vote. It wasn't that long ago that women and "racial minorities" were given the right to vote, so remember your ancestors that were denied their rights and speak for them, as they didn't have the voice that you do today.