What's this about?

A collage of everyday thoughts and trying to make sense of a sometimes nonsense world.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Eating Plan

Around the middle/end of July, I started a new eating plan. I don't consider this a DIET! I consider this a LIFE plan, so to speak, meaning this is the way I want to eat for the rest of my life (or at least close to it). Anyway, I started out following the South Beach plan because even though it is initially restrictive, it does allow you to incorporate certain foods back into the plan.

At first, I ate way too much protein, which I am not used to doing (and believe me this was not a good thing). I have since adjusted the amount of protein I eat, incorporated more vegetables (except carrots/potatoes, I don't care much for potatoes anyway), added some whole grains (nothing white flour, no pastries, etc), and occasionally fruit(no bananas/pineapple). I haven't been eating that much fruit, only because it was eliminated at the beginning but I do need to add some more back into my plan. I haven't followed the plan as closely as I should but I feel if I stick with original principles I should be ok (I really just wanted some guidelines to begin with).

How am I doing? Well, at first I was frustrated because I expected "immediate" results and who doesn't want results right away?! However, recently people have told me my face looks thinner & my clothes seem a little looser, so I must be doing something right. I haven't weighed myself, so I can't say how much weight I have lost(I don't own a scale). However, I do know I need to amp up my exercise routine (I have been taking short walks at lunch) but I need to commit myself to 3 days a week of cardio, which I will do through DVDs I already own but rarely use. Personally, I love TurboJam, which is a mix of Kickboxing/Dance. It doesn't feel like working out & it's fun, plus the instructor isn't overly annoying, which is a bonus in my book. I actually do feel a lot better as well, more euphoric and my energy level seems higher.

Why am I doing this? Well, the number one motivator for me is of course I want to lose weight and for once, I am determined to do this. When I was younger, I struggled with a completely different problem, I used to practically starve myself in high school to be thin. I think this stemmed from seeing an overweight mother, who was so unhappy and very poor self-esteem on my part. Food consumption was something I could control. Up until I was in my mid-twenties, I was always thin, at times almost too thin. Then life happened, I went through some very difficult times, and just kept gaining weight. I became too comfortable with this unhealthy person I am. Instead of being in control, I became out of control.

What will the end result be? Hopefully, I can be a much healthier person than I am right now. I feel like I am on the right path and I look forward to the results. I can't say it will be easy but I can't back down now, can I?

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