What's this about?

A collage of everyday thoughts and trying to make sense of a sometimes nonsense world.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Work Place Socialization

I have always tried to keep to myself. This is not to say I have not had my share of good and bad friendships but I have tried really hard to be as self-sufficient as possible. Recently, there has been a lot of drama at work and with drama, comes gossip. I do not care what people do, however the drama and gossip has caused me to think, how much of myself should I be sharing with my co-workers?

I am a very private person and share limited amounts of information but I would go as far as to say, very few people at work know details about my personal life. So what is my limit of information I share? In the past, I have been betrayed (and very much hurt) by people I have worked with and still currently work with, so if you take my past experiences with what is currently happening, then I am reluctant to forge any friendships with my co-workers. For myself, I am finally drawing a line, just because I work with someone, does not mean I have to share my life or become friends with him or her. It is in my own best interest to separate my personal life from my work life. I think for my own happiness and peace of mind this is what has to happen because I know myself far better than anyone else does.

Could I be losing out on the best friendship of my life because I am reluctant to be drawn into the inner circle? Yes, I could be, however I don't ever want to have to choose sides if it comes down between work or this friendship. Sometimes friendships are not meant to evolve beyond work. I wish I could be more trustworthy but past experience has taught me different, so I must draw the line and realize I am only at work to do a job and nothing more.

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