What's this about?

A collage of everyday thoughts and trying to make sense of a sometimes nonsense world.

Monday, September 13, 2010

How to be extraordinary

I don't have an answer on how to be extraordinary. By all appearances, I am as average as they come. My clothes are the ordinary things you buy from Kohl's, Target or Eddie Bauer, nothing fancy about them ( no loud prints, nothing froufrou). My looks are bland and generic. I can't tell you how many times people say, "oh you look so much like my friend" and etc. (No I don't look like your friend, I may remind you of someone but no way do I look exactly like someone). I don't think being extraordinary has to have anything to do with your appearance truthfully. I have known people who by all appearances didn't follow the social norm but underneath they were "normal" or at times even shallow.

So what does it take to become extraordinary? Perhaps it comes from your character or how you carry yourself? There are many things I do that follow the social norm; however there are times I do things that don't follow the rules. I see myself as an ordinary person, who sometimes has "out of the box" ideas but I have never seen myself as unique, perhaps because I am reluctant to put such a label on myself. If I label myself as extraordinary or unique, does that lessen the impact somehow? In a way it does because I have seen people refer to themselves as "unique" and I think why would you say that about yourself because in some way aren't we all unique? I prefer to think that we are extraordinary in our own way and no one gains anything by trying to prove how "unique" he/she really is. If you feel the need to prove something then you should only prove it to yourself, not to others. Be who you are without the label.


  1. Glad we can play a part in outfitting your extraordinary self. ;)

    - Paolo at Eddie Bauer

  2. Hi Paolo, Thanks for commenting on my crazy blog. You guys make the best t-shirts! Come back to visit anytime.
