What's this about?

A collage of everyday thoughts and trying to make sense of a sometimes nonsense world.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Staying positive

It's really hard to stay positive when things are not exactly going my way but I have to right? I have no choice but to move forth and forget what was said. I don't think people realize what they say sometimes can be so hurtful. I am sure I say things too that are not always nice but I try to be mindful of what I say and I admit when I make mistakes. It is unfortunate that in my world things do not always work out that way. For whatever reason, people think it's ok to be overly critical of me and instead of making it sound remotely positive, it just comes out totally negative. I don't go around openly criticizing people, I may think things but rarely do I ever say them to the person. I guess I don't take criticism or rejection very well. I am not thick skinned at all and this is one of many reasons I don't have close friends because I hate being hurt. I realize no one is perfect and I am far from it myself but I wish people were a little mindful of what they say that's all. I know I shouldn't take things personally but it's part of who I am and that's a hard thing to change. So now that I have vented, on to a more positive happy day right?

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