What's this about?

A collage of everyday thoughts and trying to make sense of a sometimes nonsense world.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I don't enjoy confrontation, mainly because you never know how the other person is going to act. It can also be intimidating to confront people, although I have made it a point to never let anyone intimidate me because the first 18 years (ok maybe a little past 18) of my life were full of an intimidating mother. However, I have tried to move past that and I am much more assertive than I used to be. Maybe I am not always assertive in the right way but I know things will never change if I do not confront them.

This brings me to my dilemma, so how do I go about confronting the person living above me (she has lived here only a few months)? There have been several times, she has woken me up in the middle of night, stomping around, slamming stuff, etc. Saturday morning I was woken up at 2 a.m. and ended up staying up all night. Then Sunday night, she & her boyfriend were arguing so I had listen to that & was kept up intermittently throughout the night. I am not sure she realizes or even cares that anyone lives below her. It is unfortunate that her bedroom is right above mine and she is a heavy walker(stomping is more like it), which echoes more on hardwood floors. I don't believe she has put down any rugs, although that request is in the lease. So anyway, this evening I left a brief message on the apartment leasing office's phone, whether they care or not, I do not know. However, I am reluctant to confront this person because one, what if it makes the situation worse (and I have no authority over her), and two, I was in this situation once before & when I asked the person to not be so loud in the middle of the night, my request was ignored. So, I am at a crossroads here and will leave it in the apartment rental manager's hands, and if worse comes to worse, I can always move again (although I did not want to move until next summer). It is a wait and see situation, that may or not work in my favor. Hopefully, she will stop being such a heifer.

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